Kansas Soybeans as a Food
FCS Program
The Kansas Soybean Commission (KSC) invites Kansas middle and high school family and consumer sciences (FCS) departments to participate in the “Kansas Soybeans as a Food” educational program.
The purpose of this program is to acquaint students with the nutritional qualities, uses and taste of soyfoods, as well as the importance of the livestock industry to soybean farmers while providing your classroom with supplement funds for this program. Soybeans are approximately 20% oil and 80% meal. Because the livestock industry consumes 97% of the soybean meal produced in Kansas, up to half of program reimbursement may be for meat and dairy products.
How to participate in the program
- Submit the application form for approval.
- Conduct an educational unit in your classroom using nutritional information and actual products.
- Return copies of receipts for reimbursement along with the reimbursement form including lesson plans or syllabus document showing how you incorporated soy.
Upon approval for participation in the program, teachers will receive a link to a drive of various resources, information, and example lesson plans.