Meet a KSA Board Member: Matthew Atkinson


I first joined the Kansas Soybean Association board of directors in 2016 after completing the Young Leader program. I now represent District 4. Being part of the KSA board is enjoyable because, even if I am not in charge, I can fill a supportive role and keep projects moving, which is what I try to do.

I grew up in central Kansas farming and raising cattle. Agriculture has always been a part of my life in one way or another, starting with showing animals and rocketry projects in 4-H.

Kansas State University is where I found my passion for agronomy. My degree led to my decision to take over the family farm located in Columbus and continue my family’s traditions. Our farm is an LLC headed by three generations – my grandfather, father and me. It is a crop and Brangus cattle operation with 100 head of cows and over 600 acres of soybeans, wheat, milo and corn in rotation.

Outside of my daily job, I stay active in Cherokee County through the Young Farmers and Ranchers committee and through my children’s 4-H club and projects. I have two sons and one daughter that enjoy helping on the farm. My wife, Maryann, is a full-time nurse at our local hospital, and she also helps with farm paperwork. My goal is to keep the family farm running and help soybean farmers find success.

KSA is important because it serves as a step between local farmers and the American Soybean Association working at the national level. It allows for our individual voices to be heard at the national level, and that benefits all soybean farmers. The dollars spent on membership with KSA make a difference on policies made in the legislature. Giving agriculture a voice should be a top priority.